Running A Modern Blade

A while back I went to see Blade Runner 2049. In the week leading up to the release my wife and I sat down to watch the 80's classic (she hadn't seen it yet). It's a great movie, deeply philosophical with a steady but somewhat slow pace by today's standards. With the watch complete, and my wife's approval of the film, we went ahead to 2049.

Blade Runner 2049 did a great job of replicating the tone and setting. Like the one before it, this Blade Runner is deeply philosophical and asks some important questions about our future AI children. The scenery was beautiful, and Ryan Gosling was a thoroughly convincing replicant (not a spoiler). Despite this I felt a little let down. My wife liked the movie, so I'm not really sure why. Perhaps it was the duplication of the pace despite being a longer movie. Strangely, the more I think about it the more I think I liked the movie in retrospect. I'm willing to bet my opinion will improve with a second viewing as it grows in my consciousness.

The final verdict? It's a must see for the serious sci-fi fan, but don't expect an action movie going in.


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