Been a while, SGU, Star Wars News
It's been a while since my last post, and I know that makes me a bad blogger. My apologies on that. A lot has been going on in life and you can read all about it here.
So first, there's a new Star Wars: The Old Republic Trailer out:
(Removed because it just won't stop playing. Click the link above to see it.)
Also, the Force Unleased 2 is coming out later this year. I am including the new trailer for your viewing pleasure. (I find this one particularly bad-ass).
I'm looking forward to this despite having greatly anticipated the first Force Unleashed and been a bit let down by how utterly short it was. I actually wound up selling the game back to the store... But that is now a decision I regret. They added content online (as I now know is the standard) that I think I wanted to play, and I was in a particularly anti-Star Wars phase then after having seen the Clone Wars "movie"... /sigh, why George... Why?.... But now I think I'm ready for more Force punishment. Besides, I love evil-bad-ass stuff like this. (We wont get into my twisted psychology here). So I may wind up re-buying the game (in the GotY edition) or some such. Time will tell.
Okay, now, onto:
SGU last week was the season finale. I won't write any spoilers, but I'm both tense to see what happens next and annoyed. The show seems to be ignoring a rather obvious mystery (a guy disappeared and has never been discussed since) and a real dumb ass move by Col. Young has them in a very bad situation. I'm starting to feel like the writers are relying more and more on cliched answers, so I fully expect boy genius to save the show this fall. I'm annoyed by this, because the show had such potential when it started out. I just don't feel as thrilled or impressed by the events for the last few episodes as I should be.
I really hope things get better next season. The setting is one of the cooler ones I can imagine for the Stargate Universe, and they really could do quite a lot with it if only they would.
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