A Casual Update

I seem to be averaging a month between posts lately, and I'm starting to feel like I should've made my New Year's Resolution to cut that down to 1-2 weeks at most. There's sort of a strange guilt that's setting in about this. I know I'm busy, and therefore my time to actually blog is shorter, but still I feel like I'm shirking responsibility, like I've got an assignment due and I haven't even started it yet or something.

Life's weird.

So I thought I should do an update today.

So, where's that book I promised? (As might as well start here.)

It's still being revised. Yeah, I know, I'm taking a lot longer now than before... much longer. Well, the truth is that I've got a daunting task ahead of me with this. I need to rework how I get to where. I tried a few things with this last one that don't seem to work, so I'm going to have to rewrite some large segments and maybe even change the ending. That's taking time, and for that you have my sincere apologies. I'm not going to forget about it, but it'll be some time yet.

In the meanwhile...

I've been getting back into fantasy (if you read this blog you'll know why.) I'm looking for fantasy book recommendations, I mean stuff that takes place no later than the equivalent of the 18th century. I'm looking for dragons and magic and swordplay, maybe even some flint and wheel-lock gun stuff if there's magic to go with them, etc. What's out there in this genre? Let me know!


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