He Who Controls the Spice... (Spoiler Free)
Happy New Year 2022!
It's been another beast of a year, not to mention another plague year (who knew we'd be living through one?). I'll probably do another post about it later, but I feel the need to catch up on my movie watching and reviewing and such since I've been... very bad about that.
So... First...
He Who Controls the Spice...
I saw Dune a while ago now. I was going to write this post right after seeing it, but first I wanted to think a bit, then life got in the way, and so here I am writing it after I've seen another movie instead (though one that shares at least one actor between them).
My initial reaction to Dune was that it was pretty, and kind of boring. I didn't like Timothée Chalamet as Paul, but I did like pretty much everyone else (and Oscar Isaac and Jason Momoa steal any show they're in anyways—as does a lot of the cast, really. Holy crap there are a lot of awesome people in this movie; I'm looking at you Bautista!). I didn't like the movie really, until people started pointing out how much better it was than its predecessors. That got me thinking, but I wasn't yet ready to admit that the movie was actually good.
Some time passed after that and I find myself warming to it, and I've come around to think that at least the version in my head (ah memory, so false you are) is a good one. I think what this ultimately means is I'll need another look at it, probably ahead of part 2 (yes, that's right, they divided the first book up). So that's the plan, once I actually get to have enough time to do that.
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