Sci-Fi Movies of 2021+ ... Kinda...

Anyone who used to follow or continues to follow this blog, you know I used to do a "sci-fi moves of" by year post that was, usually, my most popular.

I haven't done it in a good long time...

And I'm not going to do it now, but I am going to write about a few movies coming out soon that I really want to see and why.

So, here goes—

Sci-Fi Movies of 2021 Kinda Sorta Maybe


If you control the spice, you control the universe they say. I'm happy to be getting a remake of this despite really loving the 2000 Dune Miniseries better than earlier versions—shhh! this one looks like something of a fresh take and stars a bunch of actors I like (I'm looking at you Bautista, Momoa, Isaac). 

This one's allegedly coming out October of this year. Hopefully it'll be on schedule—it probably is, I'm just a worry-wort with all this COVID/DELTA business—and hopefully it'll be safe enough to see it in the theater.


So yes, I could technically go watch this now as it's already out on Netflix, but I haven't yet. Been busy, you know?

However, I fully intend to get to it soon. Technically, it's a space-survival clone of stuff like the Martian and Gravity and Interstellar and Red Planet and so on and so on... but I like the premise. Dude falls asleep working on a space ship and somehow all the checking and re-checking misses him... At least that's what the trailer looks like. It'll be interesting to see what the set up actually is, and maybe it'll be a good movie. Also, kudos to Anna Kendrick for making a sci-fi movie. Who knew she'd be interested in that?


This one looks interesting to me. I'm sure it's probably most people's nightmare scenario to wake up in essentially a coffin and have to figure out who the hell you are and how to get out... maybe not in that order. Again, Netflix is hitting the interesting/indie sci-fi thing hard, which I like. They seem to take risks on things more than the big studios, which in a way is a shame since there are a lot of books that I've read that would be amazing as their own movies.

-Chaos Walking-

I have to admit I'm a little burned out on the psychic powers in sci-fi thing. Yes, yes, I have them in my own books too, but I'm just a bit tired of it now. This one, which I'm including because it seems like I'd be remiss to omit something with Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley in it (not to mention Mads Mikkelson!), seems kinda, well... "We've never seen a girl before"... This isn't for me, but it might be for someone so here's the trailer.


Guess what I like about this movie? Right off the bat... They keep their suits on! FINALLY! I'd see it just for that. That's how bad this simple rule to keep people alive gets violated in sci-fi. This looks like an inter-dimensional romp which may or may not be interesting. I can't particularly tell from the trailer, but again, suits are on. I'll give it a chance.

And that's it for now. Yes, there are more movies about for 2021, but this is my selection of those I'm most likely to see (with that one exception). How about you? What have you got planned for your sci-fi pandemic part-2 watching?


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